
The Hendry LaBelle Recreation Board offers a variety of activities for youth and adults. From summer programs to sports and clubs, there is something for everyone!

For more information, please contact: Darrell Harris, President(863) 673-5475 or (863) 673-2565 Preston Long, Vice-President(863) 673-3044 or (863) 675-2171

(863) 674-4092 The 4-H Club is for youth ages 5 to 18 and accepts anyone regardless of race, religion, color, sex, handicap, or national origin. The club participates in events all year round.

The LaBelle Youth Soccer League is for boys and girls, ages 4 thru 14. We will be playing games at Civic Park from November 2023 through February 2024.

Contact Info Beatrice Hernandez, President Email: pres.laBelle.

The Hendry-LaBelle Little League program consists of Tee Ball, Rookie League, Major League, Girls Softball, and Jr.-Sr.